Visiting Japan for homestay and travel purposes


If you intend to come as a homestay or traveler

I am interested in living in Japan
Even if you are traveling for the purpose of communicating with Japanese people
We can also apply this to the purpose of learning kobudo.

Ordeals are not the only things to look forward to.

Even if it is for us to travel for the purpose of learning
I welcome it, but when it comes to learning about Japanese culture
No problem for travel or homestay purposes.

It will be a training and trip that will surely change your outlook on life!
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu may conjure up images of danger and barbarism in some people, but it is not uncommon for karate and other martial arts practitioners to come to learn it. However, people who have been trained in Aikijujutsu have told me that they laugh after receiving this technique.

I'm not laughing at the clap.

Unlike what you might expect, this is not a technique that pushes through with force, and you find yourself laughing to yourself as you find yourself being rolled over. This mysterious martial art is not for fighting, but for getting along with others.

Of course, there are many dangerous techniques, and most of the higher-level techniques are used to destroy the body. However, this basic physical manipulation is not intended to hurt the opponent as much as possible, but to nullify the opponent's power.

If anything, this martial art nullifies the opponent's power so that the initial movement of the technique is unnoticeable, and then destroys the opponent's body
In today's Japan, it is not famous because it does not require the skill to the point of destruction, and if anything, it does not feel like a necessary martial art.

Whether you are here for sightseeing or a homestay, we invite you to join us for a practice session and enjoy the depth of this martial art with us.
